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   04/4/2008 4:30 PM


 Data Analysis and Visualization
with Excel, R  and Google Tools
Analysis, Chart and  Map Tools to Better Understand  Our Data

Trend Analysis with Excel R for Advanced Charting Visualizing Environmental Trends

Excel provides useful analysis and charting tools that can help to analyze and understand time series data. These pages present tutorials and workbooks on how to use Excel to analyze and chart time series/ trend data.

  1. Regression Analysis with Excel

  2. Trend/ Control Charts

  3. Temperature Trends

R is an integrated suite of statistical and graphical analysis tools. It is based on the S language which was developed by Bell Laboratories.
These pages present information, resources and tutorials on  R charts.


As an environmental engineer, I have been concerned about the environment since I started working as a water engineer. These pages, combining my data analysis and environmental  interests,  present Excel charts that show global environmental trends.

  1. Global Warming

  2. Temperature Trends

  3. Energy Use

  4. Population Trends


Google Maps and Excel

Data Visualization  - Effective Charts

Statistical Chart Examples (Click Page Link for tutorial, thumbnail for full size chart)

Google Earth and Google Maps are free, powerful mapping tools. This page explores how to transfer Excel data to these tools to explore the spatial, geographical aspects of your data.

  1. Convert addresses to latitude & longitude

  2. KML Files

  3. Making KML Files with VBA

  4. Excel -  Google Earth Example

  5. Excel - Google Map Example

  6. Interactive Community Crime Map

Combine data visualization principles (Cleveland, Few, Robbins, Tufte, Wilkinson) and advanced Excel charting techniques to make more effective Excel charts.

  1. Data Visualization Principles

  2. Excel Chart Gallery

  3. Advanced Excel Chart Techniques & Tips

  4. Enhanced Statistical Charts

  5. Trend/ Control Charts

  6. Chart Doctor


Panel Chart

Trend Chart w/ Events